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Who are we? 


Terra Collective is an international crew living in different parts of Latvia and the world. Over the past decade, these passionate organisers have created various festivals and events in different countries such as Latvia, Portugal and India, encouraging and promoting underground culture, art,  freedom, & music celebrations.

Synchronicities of life brought them to the mysterious Land of Latvia to meet and form this enigmatic collective. We truly think that the depth of expressing ideas and being heard can only become true when we feel a sense of community and belonging, and we know that festivals and gatherings are an amazing opportunity for this.

So together, we felt the call to create the first edition of TERRA FESTIVAL, a place to awaken the authenticity of being here and now, without borders, without fear and with one love for the Earth and all beings in it. In TERRA we are all one big family.

 Why Latvia?

Because Latvia is situated in the very heart of the Baltic Forest. Here, the wilderness coexists with the modern man, and this is a real experience of how life can be in balance. "Half of Latvia is woodland … so no wonder its people derive so much wellbeing from foraging, ancient forest crafts and being at one with nature "  (The Guardian)

Latvian folklore rituals and myths can teach us about the connection with the magical world of nature, remind us all of the ancestry of being here and now!  

What makes TERRA special?

We truly believe that a new era has arrived. TERRA is more than a festival, it is a joyride to expand our being and consciousness to the cosmic call for transformation on Earth.  During 3 days and 2 nights, we will gather a beautiful COMMUNITY  and create a powerful synergy between all of us through the Art, Music and Culture  - THE GIFTS OF BEING HUMAN. This is where our dreams begin to be born and come to life. TOGETHER we can change this chaotic world for a better place. No fear can stop us or divide us. We are ONE with EARTH.

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